Yoga Principle defines System of Yoga. First step is yoga initiation, second step is hearing or study thrid step is contemplation, fourth step is meditation and fifth is samadhi or realization of supreme self Yoga Initiation or Diksha is the first step of yoga principle in which guru transmits power in student to cut his illusionsecond step of yoga principle is Hearing or Study holy books to know the godthird step of yoga principle is contemplation in which devotee contemplate on what he heard and/or studied about god and how to know the supreme self (the God)Fourth step of Yoga principle is meditation in which devotee meditate of verses, form of god etc to realize the God      fifth and the last step of Yoga Principle is realization of Supreme Self or God



प्रेम ही ईश्वर है

Love is God.

God is Love.

Yoga Principle >> Ramcharitmanas Hindi

Ramcharitmanas Hindi

Ramcharitmanas Hindi is hindi translation of Goswami Tulsidas Ramcharitmanas. Raag for singing Chaupais, Dohas and Chhands are kept same to sung easily. Ramcharitmanas Hindi is written by Shri Sachin Goyal Ji (Sachinanand Ji).

The Great Devotee of Lord Ram Goswami Tulsidas wrote Ramcharitmanas in Avadhi language by the grace of Lord Ram, which is local language of ayodhya. Ramcharitmanas, the story of Lord Ram, is full of devotion and Love in the lotus feet of Shri SitaRam Ji and knowledge of Supreme Self. Because a few people know avadhi language today, it has become necessary that, Shri Ramcharitmanas must be written in a language which is very common today, and devotees can understand it easily as soon as they read it. And of-course they can remember it easily. By the grace of Shri Sita Ram ji, It has become possible. Ramcharitmanas is written in Hindi Language, which is very common today. Ramcharitmanas in Hindi language is written in such a way that raaga to sing the chaupais, dohas and chhands are kept same as in Avadhi language, so that devotees can easily catch and remember them, as because they are very much familiar with raaga of Ramcharitmanas in Avadhi. Also, numbering of all the chaupais, dohas, chhands, sorthas are kept same, so that one can take reference from Ramcharitmanas in Avadhi. No addition or no substraction is made from Ramcharitmanas in Avadhi. It can be said as Hindi Version of Ramcharitmanas.

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